2.2. Installing Fermentrack

Fermentrack is intended to be installed as a Docker container as part of a Docker compose stack. There are three main ways to install Fermentrack:

  • One-line fully automated
  • Semi-automated
  • Manual

Regardless of what method you choose, all of these expect that your Raspberry Pi has been properly set up with a working copy of Raspbian. If Raspbian is not yet installed, please read and complete Preparing a Raspberry Pi for Fermentrack

2.2.1. Fully Automated

The easiest way to install Fermentrack is via a single command executed on your Raspberry Pi. To install via this method, simply SSH into your Raspberry Pi and execute:

curl -L install.fermentrack.com | sudo bash

Follow the prompts as needed, and once the script completes, you’re done!

You can also watch a video of this process on YouTube at: XXXX


Come back and re-add the video link once the video of the docker install is available.

2.2.2. Semi-Automated

If you prefer a slightly less automatic installation method, you can download the `fermentrack-tools`_ repo from git and use the install script contained therein. To install using this script, do the following:

  1. Log into your Raspberry Pi
  2. install git (Type sudo apt-install git-core)
  3. Clone the repo (git clone https://github.com/thorrak/fermentrack-tools.git)
  4. Run the install script (sudo fermentrack-tools/install.sh)
  5. Follow the prompts on screen. Relaunch the install script if prompted.
  6. Once installation completes, open a web browser and connect to Fermentrack to complete the installation process.

2.2.3. Manual

If you want to install Fermentrack manually, simply open the install.sh script from the `fermentrack-tools`_ repo and follow the commands in the order they are executed by the script.